Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pecker's Peril

Phil took a fancy to a parrot he saw in a local pet store. He thought his wife and young kids would love having such a colorful, unique creature in their house. So, Phil bought the little fellah, who he named Pecker, and brought him home.

However, shortly after settling in on his perch, Pecker started spewing out the most vile profanity and terrible language ever to be spoken under their roof. To make matters worse, the parrot leered at Phil's wife and began insulting her as well as making countless lewd gestures.

That did it. Phil had had enough. He grabbed Pecker by the throat, opened the freezer door and threw the parrot's sorry little ass into it to teach him a lesson.

Pecker kept on squawking, cursing and screaming in there for a while, and then all of a sudden the parrot became deathly quiet.

Phil opened the freezer door, and Pecker walked out, looked up at him, and said, "I sincerely apologize for offending you and your family, and I most humbly ask your forgiveness."

Phil replied, "Well, thank you. You're forgiven. So, you got the message?"

"Absolutely... Ehhhh... Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Not at all."

Pecker gestured towards the back of the freezer and said, "What the fuck did the chicken do?"

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