Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Another Father-&-Son Moment While Driving

My 11-year-old son, Jon, and I were listening to the radio while I drove him to school. He said, "I like this song."

I replied, "Huh... Really? 'Cause this is so a gay song."

"It's not gay!"

"Naw... I'm just kidding. There's no such thing as a gay song. Music is music."

"Dad..." Jon giggled, "Have you ever played for the other team?" Maybe it wasn't such a hot idea for Monique and me to let our two sons watch old Seinfeld episodes.


"Have. You. Ever. Played. For. The. Other. Team?"

"What the...? No... No... I like playing for my team. I mean I really, reeeeeally like playing for my team. There's nothing wrong with wanting to play for the other team, but it's never been my thing. In fact, when I was younger, I wished I had more playing time on the field with my team. But I've always been a second stringer... SIGH... I sat on the friggin' bench a lot. Hell, there were times when I thought I was going to be the eternal waterboy."

"TMI, Dad. TMI."

I get that a lot.


  1. You're assuming the other team would even have you.

    1. Good point. In fact, I was cause of Ted Haggard being cured of homosexuality in such short order.
