Friday, January 27, 2012

Joke of the Day

Pastor Jake was a young minister who grew up in New York City and was appointed to tend to the spiritual needs of a small, rural, Maine town. On his first day in the town, Pastor Jake was asked by a funeral director to conduct a graveside service for a homeless man with no family or friends.

The cemetery was way the hell back in the countryside, and the minister got lost trying to find the place. Pastor Jake started cursing under his breath. It was his very first duty in the new town and he was screwing it up by being late to administer the service. Finally, he saw a backhoe in a field and the gravediggers standing by, but no hearse was in sight.

Pastor Jake screeched to a stop near the backhoe, jumped out of his car and ran over to the grave. The vault lid was already in place. Sweating and breathing heavily, he gave the three men standing near the hole a curt nod, opened up his Bible and immediately began to preach. He talked about God's mercy, the parable of the Prodigal Son, the hope of the Resurrection, and then he bowed his head in silent prayer.

One of the workers said, "By God, in my twenty years of doing this kind of work, I ain't never seen anything like it before while putting in a septic tank."

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