Sunday, January 29, 2012


Mr. Sides does an excellent job of explaining the escape of James Earl Ray (aka Eric Galt) from Missouri State Penitentiary on April 23, 1967 until his capture on June 8, 1968 for the murder of Dr./Reverend King. The author does not stray from the evidence known about Mr. Ray's doings and acknowledges that some gaps about who helped him escape the penitentiary and how did he have enough cash to sustain him are still a mystery. However, I agree with Mr. Sides that based upon Mr. Ray's actions, there was no real conspiracy.

The massive manhunt which would involve the FBI, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, New Scotland Yard, Interpol and a few other countries was truly one of the finest hours for law enforcement. The author also takes pains to give a more rounded description of some of the major players such as Reverend King, James Earl Ray, J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon Johnson, Jesse Jackson, Ralph Abernathy, George Wallace and some law enforcement agents.

This very descriptive and sometimes gut-wrenching story does a fine job of putting a national tragedy into proper perspective. There are more detailed works such as Taylor Branch's trilogy (Parting the Waters, Pillar of Fire, and At Canaan's Edge) about the Civil Rights Movement. Mr. Sides' book is not attempting to be in that league. Despite knowing the outcome, the author's retelling kept me totally enthralled. It's simple a great historical book that keeps both feet planted in reality and not spewing out silly conspiracy theories.

(Meyers - A few years ago, I started writing book reviews under the pseudonym Franklin the Mouse at Amazon's web site. This is my most recent review. #282)

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