Monday, January 30, 2012

Once Upon A Time - Review

"Once Upon A Time" is a show still in the middle of it's first year run on ABC. I came to it late, but have caught up. It's been a very pleasant surprise. The show's creators and writers have come up with a wonderful concept. It's the story of fairy tale characters who have been shifted to today's time buy a spell cast from the "Wicked Witch," who happens to be the mayor in Storybrook, Maine, where the characters all now reside. There's Snow White, Jiminy Cricket, Little Red Riding Hood, Rumplestiskin, Hanzel & Gretle and many more. I love how each episode reveals the back story of a story book character and then shows them in this new life. It's always a story within a story. None are aware that they are story book characters who are trapped in this small town, until the Wicked Witch/Mayor's "adopted" son who stumbles upon the truth by comparing townfolk with characters from his books. His teacher is Snow White. (Ginnifer Goodwin, who just by herself makes the show worth watching) His "real" mother is Snow's daughter in fairy tale land, but in the town she's the new sherrif! Complicated? You bet, but it's great family entertainment! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised as well. Check out the first episode below. Let me know what you think.


  1. You didn't tell me that they were going to use your stone castle in the tv show.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love this show. I think it is very well written. I just hope that they do not cancel the show half way through series. I will be miffed if they do that.
