Friday, January 20, 2012

The Bizarro Odd Couple

There is no way in God's creation that I'm not go to address some of the goofy bullshit when Mac and me rented an apartment (if you could call it that) together during our senior year in college. We were like a Bizarro version of the Odd Couple. Mac was the filthy, messy one but he was lean like Felix. I was the neat freak but shaped more like Oscar. I'm not sure if we could have lived together beyond a year without one of our families eventually filing a missing person's bulletin on one of us. If Mac would have killed me first, he could have shoved my body under his unwashed laundry. Not even CSI would have found me. Oh, the stories, my friends. The stories. (Meyers)


  1. Thank you for calling me "lean." ~ Mac

    1. Back then, you WERE runner lean. Hell, your torso was as big as one of my erec... ankles.
