Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Joke of the Day

A father and his 11-year-old son were shopping in a supermarket when the boy spied a display of condoms. Timmy asked, "Dad, what are these?"

"Well, THOSE, son, are a 3-pack of condoms for frisky lads who are in high school. One is for Friday night, another is for Saturday night and the third one is for Sunday night."

"What about this 6-pack, Dad?"

"Well, well... those are for horny, little, University chaps who can't keep their pork swords in their pants . Two are for Friday night, two for Satuday night and the last two are for Sunday night."
"Well... gee, Dad, what about this 12-pack then?"
"Those are for us married men, son. One for January, one for February, one for March ..."

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