Sunday, February 12, 2012

Higher Learning

I'm an avid reader and an introvert. I love reading and constantly learning new things on a wide variety of topics. Also, due to my sensory issues with noise, reading is the best way for me to relax. Crowds, television or radio noises can be tolerated in small doses, but I need "quiet time" afterward to decompress or you're going to see me up in a church tower, buck naked and picking off people with a high-powered rifle. If I have to attend a crowded, noisy function that is populated with strangers, it takes a great deal of self-restraint not to say, "Go away" when they try to engage me in conversation.

Our two sons, Zac and Jon, more often than not see me with a book hiding my face. Which is a good thing; considering I'm butt ugly. Back in November of 2010, I had just completed an excellent, two-volume history of the Holocaust by Saul Friedlander. While Mr. Friendlander's books were highly informative, they were also very depressing and caused me to have a handful of nightmares. Apparently, being a glutton for punishment, the next book I dived into was a very good, nonfiction work entitled The Dark Side by Jane Mayer.

Zac and I were sitting together on the gym bleachers; waiting for his basketball game to begin. Naturally, I had Ms. Mayer's book open and was reading.

Zac asked, "What are you reading?"

"It's a book about how the United States government tortured prisoners during President Bush's terms in office."

"Wow... why do you keep reading books like that?"

"I'm looking for new parenting ideas."

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