Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Apples Not Far From The Tree

Back on August 5, 2011, my brother, Mike, and I were talking on the phone. He lives in Washington state and I still call Maine my home. Despite us having no other siblings, we rarely talk with each other. A year or so may lapse before one of us calls just to chitchat. Mike and I sound similar; deadpan delivery with very little animated inflection entering into the mix. The following excerpt from our conversation lends to the strong possibility that it, as well as other qualities, are  inherited traits.

"...Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." said Mike in response to some wise-ass comment made by me.

I said, "Holy shit... You sounded just like Dad."

"Yeah, well..."

"Don't feel too bad, Mike. A lot of mornings when I've just gotten up and look in the mirror, I see Dad staring back at me."

"You also have his ass."


"You and Dad have the same shaped ass."

"I find that statement disturbing on so many different levels."

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