Monday, February 13, 2012

BOOK REVIEW: Worrywart Walden Wannabe

The world is made up of high-maintenance and low-maintenance people. Mr. Rouse and his partner, Gary, are without question high-maintenance. Speaking as a heterosexual male, happily married for almost thirty years and raising two sons in rural Maine, I can honestly say these flamboyantly, artsy, cynical, shopaholic urbanites live on a completely different planet than I do. Mr. Rouse's idea of "roughing it" is denying themselves malls, trendy hangouts, designer foods, cable and celebrity magazines. Moving from St. Louis to Saugatuck-Douglas, Michigan isn't imitating Henry David Thoreau's Walden Pond lifestyle by a long shot.

However, I laughed a lot reading this book, but so frequently had to google references to people, places and things he used as punchlines that I'm surprised I didn't develop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The guy is waaaaaay too involved in celebrity/fashion culture for my tastes. Mr. Rouse is extremely whiney and I'm hard pressed to believe some of the stuff between these pages actually happened. It's difficult to fathom him being this clueless. The memoir is a cynical, selfdeprecating journey of self-discovery that reenforces an unappealing gay stereotype of effeminate, sarcastic helplessness.

Don't get me wrong. It's a very funny a book but this baby made me squirm often over its outrageous flamboyancy. Also, the author can't seem to go more than ten pages without mentioning some guy's looks or pork sword. We get it. You're gay. Enough already. If you are looking for a lighthearted read, you may enjoy Mr. Rouse's memoir. I'm just glad it wasn't any longer because I had had my fill of all his whining.

(Meyers - A few years ago, I started writing book reviews under the pseudonym Franklin the Mouse at Amazon's web site. This is my most recent review. #286)

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