Saturday, July 21, 2012

BOOK REVIEW: The Anti-Don Juan

(Originally published 2012, hardcover edition 178 pages)

While Mr. Halpern's dad plays a sizable role in the author's second book, he is not the primary focus like in his wonderfully entertaining "Sh*t My Dad Says." The stories in this memoir center on Mr. Halpern's less-than-stellar relationship with the opposite sex. He takes you through from his childhood up until the point in which he proposes to a woman. The book has plenty of gut-busting passages. As usual, his profanity-addicted dad is entertaining as hell and the author has a great knack for writing every day events in a very funny manner. Surprisingly, despite the book being sprinkled with a fair amount of swearing, at its core it is a sweet memoir. "I Suck at Girls" was a perfect bromide for me after having read a large book about genocide. I believe I may have laughed while reading almost every one of the 178-pages in the book. If you're looking for a quick, entertaining read, Mr. Halpern's memoir is a wonderful choice.

(Meyers - A few years ago, I started writing, under the pseudonym Franklin the Mouse, short reviews at Amazon's web site. This is my most recent review #312)

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