Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Boy Scout He's Not

I was in the garage. I sat in the car with the engine running; waiting for Zac to come out so I could take him to Summer Camp. They were going on a two-day trip whitewater rafting. It was his responsibility to pack everything required for his adventure.

He climbed into the car and I casually said, "Do you have your backpack?" It had all his important stuff in it.

Zac ...replied, "Oops."

He climbed out of the car, went back into the house and, 2 minutes later, came out again. He started looking in the back seat, in our other vehicle, in his backpack again.

I asked, "What are you looking for?"

"My frisbee."

"It's in the house in my backpack."

"Oh yeah."

He went back into the house AGAIN. I turned off the engine. There was no sense wasting so much fuel.

A few minutes later, once he was settled back into the car, I asked, "Do you have the book you wanted to bring along?"

Out of the car he went AGAIN. Another few minutes ticked by. As he settled down into the passenger's seat once again, I deadpanned, "Your nuts? Did you forget your penis and nuts?"

"Oh shit..." Zac started climbing back out of the car...

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