Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Birds Of A Feather

After Zac's appointment with his doctor, we swung by McDonald's and I got him a meal because he had missed his school lunch period. I hadn't eaten anything today, but didn't want to spend more of what little cash I had on junk food for myself.

While driving him to school, he happily ate the Bacon Cheese Angus Burger, a large french fry, two apple pies and a Oreo milk shake. My son the health nut. It was absolute torture to have those smells wafting through the car and me starving. I dropped Zac off as well as picked up Jon at Middle School and returned home. Before throwing the McDonald's bag into our recycle bin, I spied three french fries laying in the bottom of the bag. Greedily, I scarfed them down.

This is what parenthood has done to me. I've taken on the dinner habits of a friggin' sea gull in a McDonald's parking lot.

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