Monday, December 24, 2012

O' Missing Tree, O' Missing Tree

Merry Christmas
My wife, Monique, and I were both born in 1960 and raised Catholic in separate Maine towns. After we were married for less than ten years and in our late twenties, we both became disillusioned with the teachings of the church. Since then, we have not been affiliated with any religion and are very comfortable with our decisions.

We continually teach our teenage sons, Zac and Jon, to respect others' spiritual beliefs as long as they don't intrude upon your or other people's personal liberties. Our sons are empathetic, young men who treat men and women with courtesy. Monique and I are very proud of them. If Zac and Jon decide to follow a certain church's teachings, that will be decided by them when they are adults.

I have been an agnostic for over two decades. I've studied too much about different religions and the history of the King James Bible to be enamoured with any religious group.

However, this year, Monique, Zac, Jon and I were apathetic about putting up a Christmas tree so, for the first time ever, we decided not to do it. Because of this action and the fact our last name used to be, many generations ago, Meyer and not the present-day Meyers, I do believe we are now officially Jewish. Shalom, you Shtup.

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