Saturday, April 7, 2012

Liar. Liar. Pants On Fire

While reading "Crazy U" by Andrew Ferguson, I laughed at how humans always try to soft pedal certain of their actions that they know are wrong. Examples in the book are euphemisims used by colleges that admit kids of alumni; admissions calls them "legacies." Think President George W. Bush at Yale. There's no fucking way he would have been accepted at the prestigious college unless his daddy was a politically powerful alumni. W was a 'C' college student which basically means an 'F.'
Another euphemism used by an official at Colby College was how they lied and submitted false numbers to U.S. News & World Report's College Ranking edition. At least 25% of colleges falsify their stats to U.S News. The Colby official to soften the lie called it "numbers massage." LOL!! Pay attention how politicians, business people, oh hell, anyone uses words to marginalize their immoral actions.
President Reagan didn't say he raised "taxes;" the Gipper called them "revenue enhancers." The military doesn't say, "we killed innocent civilians;" it sounds much less horrific by using the term "collateral damage." Companies don't fire someone anymore; it's "downsizing." It's bullshit. Simple bullshit to make a person or enterprise sounds less horrible and culpable.

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