Friday, May 10, 2013

Tweets 2

 I opened a Twitter account this year and began tweeting random thoughts and observations. It's a good place to dump the gunk running through my head as well as a nice mental exercise. Hey, it keeps me off the streets.

My wife HATES to travel. Her plans to fly to one of the company's sites was cancelled & now she's laughing like a stoner on some primo shit.
It's always a joy to unknowingly be the next person after my sons to take the jug out of the fridge, shake it and give myself an OJ shower.
Adults who ate healthy, exercised, got plenty of rest, didn't smoke and are now dying too soon must be pissed Keith Richards is still alive.
My creative, 14-year-old son made a pretty flower out of tissue.
I said, "That's beautiful, Zac."
He replied, "Now let's burn it."
Yuck. Nobody should have to start their day by accidentally poking a hole through a sheet of toilet paper.
None of the parenting books, we read through the years, ever prepared my wife and I in dealing with our teenager's request to buy a sloth.
Why is it whenever I'm pressed for time I get trapped behind a driver who seems to be practicing for a funeral procession?
I assume any man I see wearing a suit and bow tie is very intelligent and a virgin.
Doing yard work eventually makes me yearn for the natural beauty of asphalt.
My son & his friend are going to see 'Iron Man 3' while I stay home, cooking chicken and thinking up some excuse to ground him out of spite.
Parenthood is not a job for the self-absorbed.
A father, watching his son play while wearing a towel as a cape, wonders if the kid will grow up to be a Superman, a Batman, or a Liberace.
 It's gonna be a hell of a looooong day when I already used up my second wind getting out of bed.
Trust me. No parent is doing their kid any favors by either calling or legally naming them Honey Boo Boo especially if the child is a boy.


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