Friday, May 3, 2013

I Tweet Therefore I Am

I opened a Twitter account this year and began tweeting random thoughts and observations. It's a good place to dump the gunk running through my head as well as a nice mental exercise. Hey, it keeps me off the streets.

As a teenager, I assumed based upon their limited options on the island that Ginger and Mary Ann were screwing the Professor silly.
When the hell did plastic surgery and Botox customers come to view the Holy Grail of Beauty is Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine?
A dance floor full of couples grinding looks like a charades competition for the mentally challenged.
Simply standing near tabloid magazines at the grocery check-out line lowers your IQ.
Based upon the taste and texture, black licorice is made from the sludge at the bottom of petroleum barrels.
My inner voice is that of a three-year-old when my alarm clock goes off.
Four out of five waiters/waitresses will ask me if I want bacon on my veggie burger.
M&Ms should come out with a Baby Boomer variety that is fortified with ibuprofen.
Most men are going to be seriously upset if when they die, the dudes discover Heaven is just one humongous curtain store.
Equality in a heterosexual marriage ends at the allocation of closet space.
An 18-wheeler drifted into my lane and I scored a perfect 10.0 on the anus-puckered scale. My ass almost sucked up the driver seat's vinyl.
When I woke up, my dog was laying next to me, staring into my eyes & sporting an erection. He's taking "man's best friend" a little too far.
There comes a point where old dudes who color their hair to appear younger, instead, just look like Yoda wearing a shitty toupee.
I'm watching "The Poseidon Adventure." I remember seeing it as a kid and thinking Ernest Borgnine was fat. Now I think he looks thin.
Many drivers don't seem to understand how windshields work. Not only can you see out but we can see in while you're picking your nose.
When the woman stepped into the elevator, I suddenly began having hallucinations. Ladies, unless it smells of bacon, go easy on the perfume.
My wife & 2 sons are sleeping in the car. I'm driving, tired & fighting the urge to wake them by slamming on the brakes while screaming.
Arguing that the gun debate choices are either all the guns you want or no guns shows your reasoning powers stagnated at the age of five.
The only time I dance anymore is when I'm holding in a major piss.
I accidentally hit one of our lampshades and I'm now in the middle of a dust blizzard.
As a surprise, I bought my son two Reese's cups and they were delicious. Don't tell him.
I'm eating a bland salad while watching my two teenage sons happily scarf down strips of bacon. This must be what triggers child abuse.
If you were one of the people on St. Patrick's Day standing in line to enter a bar at 6AM to start celebrating, alcohol isn't your friend.
It would be cool if instead of white smoke spewing out when the cardinals choose a new pope, the smokestack shoots out Skittles.
After 3 weeks working in NY, my wife has returned home. When she entered the house, it took 3.523 seconds for her to be covered in dog hair.
Walking our dogs in 0-degree weather; under-dressed; & suddenly having an intense need to poop aren't conducive to maintaining good posture.
Apparently, our two, teenage sons' autoimmune systems will recognize any ingested vegetable as a hostile foreign substance.
I've been praying like mad to God he won't hold it against me that I'm an atheist.

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