Monday, November 19, 2012

Hard To Digest

While Jon and I were driving towards home, I held up the banana peel, started bobbing it up and down on the steering wheel and said, "Hey... Look, Jon. A banana spider."
Jon replied, "Dad, did you know there's such a thing as a Banana Spider?" 
"Yeah. They're really poisonous. The female spider crawls into a banana..."
"STOP! Stop right the fuck there. I don't want to hear it."
"No, Dad, it's interesting. The female spider..."
"... it crawls into the banana and lays its..."
"... its eggs."
"Thanks a friggin' lot, Jon. Now I'm gonna be freakin' out every time I bite into a banana."
"The eggs hatch while being transported to market and when a person peels the banana the baby spiders come out and bite you."
"Jesus Christ, Jon, I didn't need to hear that."
"The poison is really painful and it takes like two hours before you die."
"It's talks like this that make me regret adopting you guys."

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