Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ear-itating Spider

This morning, Monique and I were talking in bed and I said, "Did you hear about this woman in China that they found a spider living in her ear?"
"Really? That's gross."
"I know. Apparently, the article said bugs will sometimes crawl into ears and live there because it's moist and warm. I guess the woman's ear was bothering her so much that after a few days she went to the hospital and the doctors found a spider in it. The picture was friggin' freaky."
"Yeah. Guess how they got it out? They couldn't just try and pull it out with tweezers because it might have bit or punctured the woman's ear."
"I don't know. They used peanut butter to coax it out?"
"BWAAHHAHAHA!!! Peanut butter?!! No! They squirted saline solution in the ear! Peanut butter?!!! BWAAAHAHAHA! I can just see them putting a spoon full of peanut butter near her ear and the spider crawling out and saying to itself, 'Oooooooo, a Skippy bug."

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