Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Giving Till It Hurts

I donated 150 books to Gorham's Baxter Library. Naturally, they look brand new for now, but that will change. Oooooooooh, yes. That will change. Gorham citizens will start putting their grubby hands on my babies and start bending pages, ruining the spine and... and... and putting stains on the covers. Will they CARE? Noooooooooo. Those fuckers. Wait. Wait. Some guy just pulled one of my books off the library shelf... HEY, BE CAREFUL WITH THAT BOOK! YOU DON'T HOLD IT LIKE THAT!! JESUS CHRIST! IF YOU BEND THE SPINE... MOTHERFUCKER!!! COME HERE!!!! YEAH! YOU! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE! RIGHT! FUCKING! NOW!!SONOFABITCH!!!DON'TYOUFUCKING WALKAWAYFROMME!!!! THAT'SRIGHTMOTHERFUCKER!!!RUN!!!RUN!!!BUTYOUCAN'THIDE!!!
 I gotta go...

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